Biodiversity Week

The Green Schools Committee worked very hard to organise fun activities for all of the classes for Biodiversity Week.

On Monday, Juniors, Seniors and First planted sunflower seeds. They are all very excited to watch the sunflowers grow in their classrooms and are keeping a close eye on them!

On Tuesday, Second Class helped prepare our garden for planting vegetables. Together with the Green Schools Committee, the boys and girls planted a variety of different vegetables and herbs including french beans, spinach, turnip, carrots, cress and lots more!

On Wednesday, Fifth and Sixth planted beautiful flowers in our window boxes which are on display at the front of the school.

To end Biodiversity Week, Third and Fourth Class learned all about bird feeders and even got to make their own! Third Class also completed projects on plant and animal adaptions! The Green Schools Committee were also treated to ice lollies on Friday as a thank you for all of their hard work during the week! Well done to the Green Schools Committee for organising a fantastic week again this year!

See our gallery for more picture!

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