Senior Infants have had a great first term.
We all love doing Aistear! We get to work together in our groups and are making great friends with one another. So far, we have done activities for Hairdressing, Hallowe'en, The Farm and Christmas. We get to build, create, write, paint, draw, discuss, pretend, dress-up and play games together each day. It's a fantastic way of creating fun and active learning.
We have also been working very hard in class. We are all trying to be 'Star Writers' and are doing our checklist every time we write. Also, thank you so much to the pupils of Third and Fourth Class who helped us with our Buddy Reading. It's great to have somebody listen to us read. Our Irish is getting better each day. Is breá linn Céim ar Chéim agus a bheith ag caint as Gaeilge! We enjoy using different materials to help us with our Maths and we are all 'Shape Experts' now. We know all about the 'Story of Six' and the 'Story of Seven' and are creating number sentences using 'plus' and 'equals'.
Our Christmas play, Whoops-a-Daisy Angel, was very successful. A lot of practise went in and we got plenty of help in school and at home so that we could put on a great performance. We were delighted to be able to show off our talents to our friends and family.
We really enjoyed our Christmas break but are ready to get back down to work now. We are looking forward to learning and challenging ourselves this new year. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!