Senior Infants and First Class Summer Update

We were so glad to come back to school after our wonderful Easter holidays. We were all ready to get back to our routines!

We started a new Aistear topic to great excitement – Space! We had areal telescope in the classroom to use for our role play area. We created beautiful fabric and fibre collages using lots of different materials. Mini-beasts was another popular Aistear topic. We loved reading the story “Superworm”, using our mini-beast characters for role play and putting our artistic skills to the test by drawing all the different mini-beasts.

It was time to set up a doctor’s surgery play area, this was the focus for our next Aistear topic. Our surgery had a landline phone and notepad for making appointments, stethoscopes, injections, thermometers and so much more. We took turns being the secretary, patient, doctor, nurse and radiographer. We even had x-rays of broken arms and legs! We had lots of fun and were able to use the new vocabulary that we had learned.

We helped Ms. Ruddle planting seeds in the outdoor planters and we each got to plant our very own. Green-fingered Karina minded our seedlings everyday, making sure we didn’t forget to water them and they thrived. We each made artwork to decorate our plant pots.

In Maths, we used dominos to create our own sums. We are adding two-digit numbers and can add them vertically. We are carrying ‘tens’ into the tens column. This sounds like an easy thing, but it takes lots or work!  

In SESE we learned about cows and how the milk gets from the farmer to the shop. We made our own butter! We used double cream, and instead of an old-fashioned churn, we all took turns shaking the cream inside in a jar (with a tightly sealed lid on!). When the butter was made it needed to be taste tested, so what better way than to spread it on some toast! It was the tastiest butter ever! We had the opportunity to make an electrical circuit. We used batteries, wires, crocodile clips and light bulbs. When we worked together to make sure that the circuit was complete, the blub lit up. It was amazing. We even added in more blubs to the circuit.

1st class learned about Australia – an Australian myth about how the kangaroo got her pouch, the Great Barrier Reef, and lots of native animals. Both classes examined Aborigine art and created our own using the back of a paint brush to create the dot pattern. We also learned about Mexico and realized that we are already familiar with some traditional dishes, like tacos and fajitias.

We also enjoyed learning all about the various wildflowers in our environment. We explored the wildflowers that grow around the school and we got to pick some to use for an art project where we created beautiful vases full of wildflowers. Sticking with this theme we had great fun role playing “The Garden Centre”.

In PE, we had a special gymnastics teacher come and teach us gymnastics in the hall for six weeks. We learned lots of new ways of moving our bodies. We also completed our PAWS programme. The PAWS programme stands for Primary Aquatics Water Safety. We learned all about water safety in many different areas – the beach, the pool, the farm, and rivers and lakes.

As part of the school’s 70th Anniversary celebrations we got to write our own song with Aoife and Nora from Music Generation. Once we knew all the lyrics really well Aoife and Nora brought in recording equipment to record us singing. Our classroom felt like a real recording studio. How lucky are we to say we have written and recorded our own song!!

Our school tour to Just 4 Fun Kids in Mary Immaculate College was so much fun. We took part in lots of different games, had great fun on the bouncy castles and even played a game of Tug of War.

Active week was one of our favourite weeks this term. We completed our Kids Fit Challenge every day and took part in parachute games, co-operative yard games and musical yard. We also completed a whole school marathon. It was such a wonderful day – the sun was shining and we had lots of fresh fruit as refreshments after we had completed our laps. Then the whole school gathered to watch the final laps. The very last lap was run by the oldest and youngest children in the school. We even beat our time from last year! We were treated to a special staff race too. All the staff dressed up in inflatable costumes and ran a race up and down the astro turf. We had Mario and Luigi, a burger and chips, a frog, two dinosaurs, a giant flamingo, a cow, a koala, an alien, a tiger and an angry bird. It was hilarious!

This week we have been enjoying our last few days in Senior Infants and First Class. It has been such a busy year and we are so grateful for all the help and support Karina has given us throughout the year. We hope everyone has a lovely summer and we look forward to returning to Kilcornan N.S. in September.

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