Welcome back to our second term in school! Junior Infants have had a busy few months. We worked extremely hard preparing for our Christmas play and had a super time performing on stage. Our Mums, Dads and family members were so proud of us! We enjoyed raising money for GOAL Jersey Day and listening to guest speaker Tara from GOAL. We also had a visitor from the RSA who told us all about the importance of road safety. We got our own luminous jackets to wear when we are out walking or cycling.
We were treated to a Skipping Day with Lee who came from England to deliver the workshops. We also had Munster rugby players visit our class and chat to us!
We have now learned all our sounds and are starting to blend words! We are becoming very good readers. We are also learning how to be good writers and remembering our ‘wake up, posture and pencil grip’ when we write. We know lots of numbers and have been learning all about 2 and 3 d shapes. We are really enjoying our golf lessons every Monday and our teacher Liam is very helpful.
As we look forward, we are excited to welcome grandparents to our school on Tuesday 31st January for Grandparents’ Day. We also can’t wait for our ‘Pancake and Smoothie Morning’ on Pancake Tuesday. Check back in with us again for more updates!