Junior Infants Summer Update

We cannot believe our first year in primary school has come to an end! Our final term in school was such a busy one! We worked very hard all year learning our sounds and now we are able to blend words. We also learned all our sight words and read our new readers. We even learned tricky words and had fun blending, reading and writing during our station teaching this term. We can add numbers up to 5 and enjoy counting and mental maths activities. We are practicing hard at forming our letters correctly and have enjoyed free and creative writing this term too.

We enjoyed our first Active Week this term and loved having the big pupils play co-operative games with us. We had our first experience of the Marathon Relay too where we all ran as fast as we could around the astro turf track. We helped the school to beat their time from last year! We also thought the inflatable race was so funny and we all cheered the staff. Thanks to the Parents’ Council for the yummy ice cream treats afterwards. We enjoyed lots of Buddy reading and play with the 5thand 6th class this year and learned lots from them. We also really enjoyed our gymnastics lessons as part of P.E this term. We learned lots of poses and transitions from our coach Des.

The 70th anniversary or the ‘school’s birthday’ as we called it was very fun. Aoife and Nora from Music Generation helped us to write and perform a special school song for the celebrations. We now know if off by heart and love singing it in school. It’s going to be our new school anthem. We chatted lots about what school means to us and then created beautiful art pieces that were displayed in frames on the celebration day. Our pictures included the green flag, playing with our friends in the yard, doing art in class, pancake day and the Christmas Show. We loved filling out our fact file for the time capsule and the object we chose to put into it was a triangular pencil that we use to help us with our handwriting. We cannot believe that we will be 35 or 36 years old when the time capsule will be opened again!

Summer time is such fun and we are all looking forward to going on holidays, but we need to be very careful around the water. As part of our P.E lessons this term, we completed the PAWS Water Safety Programme where we learned how to be safe around swimming pools, rivers, lakes, farms and the beach. We all got certificates afterwards.

We had our first school tour this term also. We went on a bus to Mary Immaculate College and had the most incredible day of playing games, bouncing on bouncy castles, playing tug of war, climbing ladders. The list goes on! We were very tired when we came home! Ms. Balfry says we have worked very hard and that we are ready for Senior Infants. A big thank you to Catherine who helped us in our class every day this year. We are looking forward to enjoying the summer time and coming back to school to see all our friends again.

Happy summer holidays from Junior Infants. Slán go fóil!

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