Welcome to the Junior Infants page!
We have 18 new Junior Infants this year and are so happy to welcome them and their families to Kilcornan National School! All the Infants have settled in very well and are getting used to the long day in school. They are making friends and have adapted very quickly to the school routine.
The Infants have been making a great impression by learning their new sounds and practising with their sound books each night. We have been learning lots of new words and have started our first reader.
We have been doing lots of colouring, matching and activities using concrete materials in maths. We are learning new numbers and have made our own number lines to help us.
A massive thank you to Avril for the Zumba classes! The Infants had great fun and we and hope to see her again next year!
We are also enjoying doing lots of art in school and are practising our cutting and colouring skills. We made flags for the 1916 Commemoration Ceremony in the community hall.
As we are in the Advent season, we are now getting very excited about our first Christmas Play! We will be working with Mrs. Gleeson’s class to perform ‘The Bossy King’ for our families in the community hall on the 17th of December. We have started learning our songs and look forward to all our families coming to see us in our stage debut!
Check in with us again for updates on the Junior Infants!